Saturday, August 10, 2013


SMART PHONES - without which the world seems to slow down, have become an  essential companion of modern civilization.The new Gen-Y 'technology assistant' that help us to carry out various tasks in a blink,is governing the markets.The fastness and the robustness that we experience today is the result of the evolution of Android and the key role that it plays, to maintain a cutting edge experience for the users ,developers, industry and business.

When we turn back to the history we can witness the strong hold of Google and other OHA based tech giants, that support the development of Android. This strong foundation and correct time-to-market made Android a cherry pick for the users. In July 2005 , Google started the revolutionary concept of mobile OS by conquering  Android Inc. Later on 5th November 2007 OHA (Open Handset Alliance) was formed which consisted of Google,HTC,Intel,Motorola,T-mobile. Developed by Google,Android is considered to be the first OHA product. It comes under version 2 of the Apache Software License (ASL).On 12 th November 2007 they released the preview of Android OHA. The main aim of OHA was to devote in advancing open standards for mobile devices and to develop technologies that will significantly lower the cost of developing and distributing mobile technologies and services. 

Android is a complete and modern embedded operating system  which can act as an operating system, middle ware and key mobile application. It works based on the Linux kernel, hence promoting the free and open source concepts.It was an attempt to open the world of mobile applications to take the full advantage that a handset can offer.Combining all mobile applications under one platform was an attempt to  generalize phone’s core applications and third-party applications. Users could take full advantage of inbuilt as well as other external applications.The restrictions imposed by the phone manufactures to use their proprietary software came to a halt with the emergence of Android. The limitations of the handset was completely over taken by the Android applications.

Android significantly enhanced the open source concepts and made applications free for use. The flexibility and mobility of Android was a boon to geeks who got engaged in shrinking the world to our finger tips. Google play have contributed much to this growth.Millions of applications are being developed and distributed around the world and the benefit that Google obtains through android is unbeatable.
 If you think Android as just a software development platform then its high time you change your view points, the influence of Android is unimaginable that it started to appear in hardware oriented scenarios also.But don't think that its a single piece of  hardware. Its a complete, end to end software platform that can be applied to any hardware configurations.

We can find no such areas where Android haven't  extended its reach.Let it be business  promotions, professional development, games or anything else, all  have taken a new step to reach to their clients and the path they have chosen is Android applications.The increasing popularity of smart phones and the usage of android applications have open the market for developers.

Following the footsteps of Google and Android others have entered the game,especially windows phone that runs with windows 8,apples iOS and firefox OS and much more are coming .Now it will be interesting to see what new plans are being cooked up behind the curtains. 


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